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Written By: Gage Gorman
What is a Soul Contract?
A Soul Contract is an agreement which we make at a Higher Soul level. Before we incarnate onto the Earth plane we agree to Soul Contracts with our Soul Family and others Souls in the Collective Consciousness. Additional Soul Contracts come into play during our time on the planet and may stay with us from life time to life time (through the reincarnation cycle).
Some History of Planet Earth
A time ago. The light agreed to allow darkness into this universe in order to heal it and experience it. Earth being on the outer bands of the universe and a dense planet of energy in this universe and containing free-will thus calling forth the strongest of the power of love and light; agreed to allow this darkness to come to earth in order to heal and transform it to love and light. Many years later we are in the thick of healing of the darkness and transforming and evolving to higher vibrations of light.

Choosing our Soul Contracts
Before we choose to incarnate on this planet, we agree to Soul Contracts for many reasons. Some of these reasons is to heal our own Soul (our fractal pieces of Source, the Matrix, the Grid), heal portions of the Collective Grid for others, transform darkness to light, understanding something our Soul needs to experience, assist another to understand something which that Soul needs to experience.
In choosing our Soul Contracts, we explore our akashic records (our records of our Soul’s journey and what we have done to our-self and others (our other selves)). During the exploration of our akashic records we may find we desire to balance some energy, which we ourselves created. An example, we had a past incarnation and during this past incarnation we created some darkness. We killed someone, we robbed someone, we abused someone, we took advantage of someone, we did something for which we created energies which we now want to transform those created energies into something in a higher vibration.
This is a good time to remind ourselves, we are the ones who manifest, we are the creators, what we feel and think about we are creating. When we have lower vibrational feelings and thoughts we are creating those feelings and thoughts into reality. When we give them our attention or when we ignore them, sounds like a conundrum, right? But there is a solution, we ideally want to see them, love them, heal them, recognize them, and then transform them to higher vibrational feelings and thoughts. Since we are these creators, we are literally creating the type of vibration and the universe we all collectively share.
This is one reason we agree to Soul Contracts, to transform lower vibrational energies to higher vibrational energies. We also agree to Soul Contracts for education, experiences, love, and bliss. Right now, during this time, space, and reality, most attention and work is in the healing and raising our vibration. This is currently an amazing ascension of our planet and our collective universe and Earth is at the epicenter of it all and we are on the front lines of this ascension.

Unwanted Soul Contracts
Our word is our bond and the darkness knows this. This is why there is law and many manipulations done to humanity. Most all previously taught reality in/on Earth in the 3rd and 4th density is of a mutant matrix of darkness and deception – so that one can shine their light so bright through this dense thickness of darkness and transform to love and light. This is why I mentioned above, that most attention and work is in the healing and raising our vibration, during this time, space, and reality.
During our incarnation during this life time and prior life times our word of committing to something under duress (giving our word, thus creating a contract with another Soul) or of not full mindfulness is a contract and that contract is then bound to the Soul. Thus, these become additional Soul Contracts, which we did not necessarily agree to with our full knowing or willingness and then these contracts play out throughout our life time and past and future life times.
The great news about these Soul Contracts which we commit to, but are not fully aware of nor do we desire to authentically keep them, as we become more awakened to the mutant matrix (a.k.a. sleep state, illusion) is that we can end these soul contracts and mark their completion and dissolve harvesting of life-force energy associated with these contracts.
There are many ceremonies which can be used to end aka break aka terminate these Soul Contracts, which you may not want to authentically keep.
Breaking/Ending Unwanted Soul Contracts
You/One can also embody this ceremony and then make it one’s own by writing out the ceremony and changing the nomenclature aka wording into one’s own words and altering the sentence structure and then performing the ceremony.
This is to be taken seriously. You want to create a space of love, authenticity, and full attention. This means be present, be in the now. Some gentle recommendations: meditate before you begin, turn off all electronics, ideally no alcohol or drugs in your system for the past 24 hours, light some candles, use your alter (if you have one), bring in some crystals; these things help but are not necessary.
Place your hands over your heart area. Say: “Higher Self assist me, here and now” “I call upon all fractal pieces of myself to come to this time, space and reality and assist me, here and now” “I invoke my Higher Self now” “I invoke my right to be a sovereign sentient being, here and now” “I hereby break all contracts which do not serve my highest loving purpose, here and now” “I hereby release myself from all soul contracts which do not serve my highest loving purpose, here and now” “I hereby forgive all of those who have willingly or unwilling deceived me into contracts which do not serve my Highest Loving Purpose, here and now”

“I hereby release myself from all Soul Contracts in all time lines, in all spaces and in all realities which do not serve my Highest Loving Self, in all places and all time” “I hereby forgive all fractal pieces of Source who willingly or unwillingly deceived me in all my time, all my spaces and all my realities into Soul Contracts which do not serve my Highest Loving Purpose” “I hereby declare my commitment to Soul Contracts which I willingly made in awareness of me making for the purpose of my Highest Loving Self”
“I am grateful for this experience and all involved who brought me to this time, space, reality and awareness” “I release all invocations back to their respective time, spaces and realities with love, gratitude, and light”
Additional Portion:
“I now conclude and resolve and eliminate any and all contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, bindings, alliances, allegiances, loyalty, guilt, shame, written, verbal, and non-verbal commitments with any and all persons, places, beliefs, habits, things, experiences and energies not aligned with pure unconditional love, kindness and peace. — and so be that!”
End of Additional Portion:
Take a nice deep breath and feel the release. This may be a good time to meditate again. You will most likely feel different, free, new and more open with space to journey within yourself (one’s self). Enjoy this feeling. You’re remembering more of who you are, in divine love of infinite and unlimitedness. I leave you in love and light. – Gage – The Energy Wizard