Originally Written: February 01st, 2018
What is Personal Energy?
We all exude a personal energy from us. Our feelings determine our energy and then we share this energy around our space and into the collective energy grid. I believe a good example on the lower vibration spectrum of energy is when two people have just had an argument in a room and then you enter this room, you can feel the uncomfortable feeling in the room, yes? This is energy. Each of these individuals have exuded an energy personally and this created a collective energy which you can now feel too. This works with love too. When there is a baby, babies have pure love and light energy, thus we are drawn to their loving energy and we feel it. This is the personal energy these babies are exuding. When two people are authentically in love, they exude a high vibrational energy and that can also be felt by others around them. Our feelings inside of us, will determine our personal energy. Our personal energy will create an attraction for more of the same kind of energy. If we exude high vibrational energy we will attract more high vibrational energies and the same story for lower vibrational energies. Law of Attraction touches on this. It’s important to know that we cannot fake our feelings, thus authenticity is of the utmost importance if you are wanting to exude high vibrational feelings and energy and attract the same. Many carry dark entities, which is lower vibrational energies we are holding on to. See energy never dies, never. Energy transforms and changes. We can go to the lower vibrational energies (entities) inside of us and clear those out (or better wording, integrate the schooling then transform the friction inside to pleasant-ness) (How? Keep reading and explore the articles, videos, meditations, blogs, etc on eie website and the club membership option, while/if it exists for new pledges). Clearing out the lower vibrational energies and entities and being authentically honest with ourselves in all matters will allow us to feel authentic feelings. When we feel a lower vibrational energy, ask is it mine? If it’s still there, then it is, then ask to transform it to love and light and go through the process to do so. This process is unique for each energy. The overall idea is to love it, thank it for showing you something was off from who you are, because any lower vibration feeling is a warning sign that something is not authentic with who you are. If we suppress that feeling, then we attract more of that type of feeling to ourselves. But if we recognize the feeling, bring up it, thank it, love it and transform it to love and light, then we have just made our vibration higher and change the circumstance for what we will attract into our life for like energies and we are having a positive impact on the collective energy grid.
What is a Schumann Resonance?
“Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a ‘cavity ‘defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 – 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth’s ‘electromagnetic’ cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be ‘excited’ to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth’s electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth’s ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Schumann resonances are most easily seen between 2000 and 2200 UT.
Given that the earth’s atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines.

Collective Energy
We share a collective energy grid. The collective grid is everything we see, smell, touch, hear and feel. It’s the shared consciousness of creation from which all of us contribute to. The collective grid is all around us and below us and above us. As we feel and talk we impact the collective grid. Feelings and talking of lower vibration impacts the collective grid and bring it lower and feelings and talking of higher vibration impacts the collective grid and brings it higher.
Higher vibrations have a stronger impact on the grid than do lower vibrations. This means it requires more human souls to be in lower vibration to sustain a lower impact of lower vibration on the collective energy grid. It requires significantly less human souls to impact the collective energy grid for higher vibrations. Love is the stronger vibration and Fear is the weakest vibration.
An area of loving and giving and study and happiness would be a portion of the grid where individuals could easily feel this energy. An area of war and suffering is another portion of the grid where individuals could easily feel this energy.
The entry point of individual energy into the collective grid has the most impact at the point of entry and then has less of an impact the further from the entry point of the grid the individual entry occurs. Loving energy goes further in expansion than does Fear based lower energy.
There are extraterrestrials, here on Earth, who want the grid to be of lower vibration energy. We souls of earth welcomed these beings here to help heal them and help bring their vibrations higher. It is now time that we focus on our individual energies to bring them to higher vibrations through love for self and love for others, through compassion for self and compassion for others, and through forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others. Our collective energy grid is full of dark dense and lower vibrational energy and we are the ones who can change this through our increase awareness of how we individually feel. How we are going to impact our world for a better place is to literally go inside, love our Ego, tell our Ego it is okay. Love the darkness inside each of us and ask it to transform to light. Love in all situations and have compassion when we don’t and to forgive. We as individual personal vessels of energy are choosing in every moment to hold onto darkness, lower vibrations and keep it in the present. We can make the decision to hold onto higher vibrations of love. Anything that is not love, does not serve us, and if we are having a lower vibrational experience, it is a lesson for us to look at, not judge, rather love and transform to love and light. This process does require us to look at ourselves authentically and be okay with all we’ve done, in this incarnation, and past incarnations, and to be okay with what others have done to us and LET IT GO! Release it into love and light.
So, if we are all on the way to 5 D where we will be creating with our thoughts and actions I have to assume, that we the aware ones are part of the “Masters” (beings who came here with knowledge on how to overcome this, because we already have done this) in this “game” by actually questioning reality and “realizing” that something is up. I am however also aware of how unaware I am especially in my thoughts (not so much my actions) and how much even I still get triggered by other influences outside of me. Then, I am thinking about all the people out there who are not even aware of this around me and wonder how will this work?There is so much talk about the material plane with this change, but not much talk about the spiritual side of it. Questions like :Will everyone get a crash course on how to create their own reality?
This will happen in many ways. People are getting downloads already and are changing, even the people who don’t know what is “going on”. The spiritual aspect is required with this shift and everyone is going to get a choice on a Higher Self level. Your Higher Self is fully aware of all that is occurring. You have only a fractal of who you are, here in this consciousness. The most important thing is to focus on your experience and your growth first and foremost, because each Soul has their own soul contracts and path. We are all not on the same path right now. All of humanity is not going to 5D, also some things to know is that half of the population are clones, with no souls and are here to deceive humanity, they will go away and you may be dealing with some of them. Then there are the souls that will not want to go to 5D yet, they have more work in the 3D and 4D. The truth will set you free and LOVE is the vehicle to ride on. We that are going to 5D, will be breaking free from the enslavement matrix and the illusion. We’ve been manipulated into creating this mutant matrix, because we are powerful creators, but we created for other entities. First, we have to wake up from that and that comes in doses, it is hard for many to handle the fact that our whole life and many life times have been lies, deception, and dark. It’s hard for us to realize we’ve had past lives where we were dark and did dark things. In order to move to 5D we must face this Shadow self of ours and face it with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. We must embrace our shadow self, our dark thoughts and thank them for being with us, thank them for storing themselves in our body as pain and suffering and sickness. A disease is a dis – ease a.k.a. dark energy we took on and didn’t process and transform to light. See, we’ve come here during this time and space and reality to heal. Energy does not die, we cannot get rid of anything, what we do is we transform darkness to light. So we agreed before incarnating to do just that, but then we forget and need to remember. The manipulators (Cabal, Annunaki, Etc) they know exactly why we are here and do all they can to distract us from doing what we came here to do; even though deep inside, they want to heal too, and we agreed to help them heal. We will continue to have ‘challenges’ which are really opportunities to transform darkness to light. We want to focus on ourselves first, so we can clear our current incarnation darkness, our past lives darkness and then there will be soul contracts, these are other souls here for who we have agreed to play a part together in transform darkness to light.
For example, let’s say you stabbed someone in a past life, you may ask the same person to stab you in this life time (soul contract), so that you can experience the feeling and heal and transform that energy into light; that’s an intense example, though in order to understand why darkness exists, why it is seeming to be flaring up and why it will enter our lives as we are progressing, this is why. And in all of this, we get to a place of love, forgiveness and compassion. As each soul here, is another fractal piece of ourselves, a collective grid, of sorts. This is part of moving to 5D is to understand these concepts, embrace them and love in ALL situations, not pick and choose, but in ALL. I admit personally, this can be challenging at times and we need constant reminders and guidance. We can ask our Higher Self, at any time to assist us. Ask to our Higher Self, Why is this happening? What is my teaching? Why now? Is this my teaching or someone else’s teaching? It also can help to break soul contracts for which you did not agree to in full knowing, rather you were deceived into agreeing to it, those can be broken through ceremony.
When you feel inspired, you can ask for wisdom to assist others, then you will ‘feel’ the authentic inspiration when another has asked their Higher Self for guidance and you are that guidance for them. This inspired action, which is felt, is how you assist others. Getting to the place where we can feel this authentic inspired action, works best when we are in an authentic high vibration of love, compassion for forgiveness (forgiveness will lead to no need for forgiveness and we understand all is perfect, but that is after we fully forgive, steps….)
We choose which one we will be in. Free Will. the truth will be exposed, but the rest is up to us. For those who want the world with love, expansion, learning and growing then embrace that now. Love thyself and others, compassion for thyself and others, and forgive thyself and others and after there is no more forgiveness needed, then realize forgiveness is not necessary, but you have to forgive first to get there. When one can do these things in all forms and in all situations, then one is good to go to the new world. There is no vibration for fear and low vibrations in the new world. That is not who we authentically are.
An example, many want “justice” for the crimes against humanity. That isn’t going to serve us. We want to be at a point where we go. I see you. I see what you did. I don’t judge you for doing it, but we do not want this vibration here any more. We love you, do you want to heal? If they authentically want to heal and be in love and light we allow it and if they authentically do not want to heal, then we let them go and they leave this earth and go to the split earth for that lower vibration to continue to play out.