Once Upon a Time Series

Once upon a time, evil consumed the hearts, minds and bodies of humanity. Society created from the seed of evil to normalize the evil in all human engagement. Generations warned the children to not be led astrayed by the artificial entertainment and lure of convenience and safety being outsourced while diminishing one’s own strength, wisdom, integrity, and life.

A shift occurred, past-tense and what was hidden was revealed. The energies could no longer hide. Chaos ensued on this planet because the lies the humans had lived was so far from the truth that the humans were in shock. The humans saw their own evil and were ashamed, embarrassed and realized they had let all that had occurred, occur by their laziness, ignorance, greed, fears and allowed themselves to be used like tools for an agenda of self suffering and mutiliation. An agenda to enslave a divine being into evil doings through pressures of society, manipulation of love into a tool to control, consolidation and control of resources in the masqeruade of providing service for the safety and best of all, while really working a strategic plan to enslave all moving beings.

Energy on this planet never died, and was constantly changing and always seeking the light and love of the authentic loving god inside of self, even when in the darkest and most evil of places. For each fractual of sentient life on this planet - the energy bill always comes due and so whatever one thinks, feels, says, pays attention to and believes is the responsibility of the orginator to know the same energy in perpetutity until it is changed in the constant change of energy and while changing the same and opposite energy will pass through the self (paying the bill). Breathe and know peace and live and rest in peace.

The journey home with peace, ease and love



Once upon a time…..Evil hypnotized many into complacency and comfority and order followers. Evil created being professional. Evil created society and acceptable behavior. Evil create “supposed to” and “have to” and “you should”. Evil manipulated and orchestrated events to get herd followers to self slaughter through ignorance of what they were doing - I’m just doing my job (you are responsible for all your thoughts, feelings, words and actions in all time). I’m just following orders (you are responsible for all your actions, thoughts, feelings and orders followed). Each is eternal there is not ever a forced situation only what appears to be through manipulation and language manipulation perceived force. No!, is a powerful word. No, you shall not pass demon! I shine light on you (to know self is to know light and god).

Humanity is god. Humanity is good. Humanity is purging evil at this time. Humanity is remembering. Humanity is amazing. Humanity and it’s creations are all divine. Evil is the opposite of live and a death cult mirrored the whirled into chaos through ignorance and ego in the darkness and let evil reign for a period of time - the end of that time has passed and we are in the calibration to the kingdom of god from “within”.

Peace and ease and much love to all.

Namaste, I honor you all and your journey, I know it has been a struggle to know what is reality. Much peace to you. Calm and breathe and be with inner self for clarity.

Added 1-28-2023

Once upon a time, The people let the enemy of the people become the authority and make laws to enslave the people and to protect those who infiltrated the people by eliminating any and all resistence to the authority. The minds numbed in toxins and poisons of delusion and their days packed with busy busy busy and hurry hurry hurry and their egos inflated with nonsense of pride and illusion of success. Driven by fear of failure and guilted by marketing of the perfect successful citizen. Influenced by clones, robots and machine learning technology masquerading as alive humanbeings all while most of these beings are dead entities. All capital letters names are dead entities. Then, the humans breathed, meditated, loved themselves deeper and dissolved their addictions to convenience as the dead beings marketing many conveniences that were devil traps of deception. Many humans let go of addictions to poisonous foods and chemicals. Many humans stopped following orders of evil and used their loving moral compass. Many humans left the corporate jobs of enslavement and evil and connected to love and expressed their own divine being instead of surviving in misery and eluding themselves into beLIEving a dead society of perpetual evil lies and deceit. The humans stopped lying and that changed a lot. The lying was so normalized, they in the past, would tell their children not to lie and then give them presents from santa claus (demonic) and sugar (poison) and tell them lies and confuse child minds into slavery. This changed when the humans stopped lying.