The Nature of God and Sovereignty: Reclaiming Divine Power

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What is a God? Who or what is “the God” or “the Gods”? These questions have inspired humanity’s philosophical and spiritual inquiry for millennia. But perhaps the answers lie not in worshipping external entities, but in understanding our own divine essence.

A God is, at its core, a perception—an interpretation of whatever someone considers to be divine. From this perspective, the Gods are all of us. Every being is connected to the source energy of divinity, an energy that unites and sustains all life. Yet, this source energy can diminish when one relinquishes their inner power to external gods or entities, placing faith outside themselves rather than within.

The Creation of External Gods

Throughout history, some beings—like us, yet separate in their intentions—have proclaimed themselves gods over others. Through manipulation and dominance, they have positioned themselves as rulers, persuading others to revere and serve them. This narrative, deeply embedded in religious systems and societal structures, has led many to give away their power, worship external entities, and live in service to ideas and constructs not their own.

In this paradigm, worship becomes a tool of enslavement, language a weapon of doublespeak, and fear a mechanism for control. These false gods demand sacrifices—of freedom, energy, and even blood—lowering the vibration of those who serve them. In the haze of manipulation, humanity’s collective energy is harvested, reinforcing a system of fear and suffering.

The False Light and Its Illusions

Religious and spiritual texts often speak of gods as bringers of light, yet light itself can be an illusion. The “false light” deceives by appearing divine while leading followers into cycles of suffering. In this doublespeak, the God venerated in many religious traditions can be interpreted not as a benevolent creator, but as a manipulative force—symbols of Satan or Lucifer—shrouded in ritual and tradition that obscure their true intent.

The systems built around such worship often thrive on fear and sacrifice, creating a spiritual dissonance that disconnects individuals from their own divinity. Yet, the path forward lies in recognizing these illusions and reclaiming sovereignty.

Reclaiming Sovereign Divinity

The ultimate journey of the soul is to awaken to this reality, see it for what it is, and grow into divine sovereignty. To reclaim one’s divine power is to reject fear, illusion, and external control, and instead nurture the infinite source of energy within.

This reclamation begins with self-awareness:

Thoughts and Actions: Monitor and align your thoughts and actions with higher vibrations of love, compassion, and understanding.

Meditation and Introspection: Connect with your inner divinity through meditation and quiet reflection, allowing the truth of your being to emerge.

Discernment: Question narratives, recognize manipulation, and discern what resonates as truth within your soul.

Sovereignty requires dedication and practice. It involves shifting focus from worshipping external gods to embracing the divine within, understanding that each individual holds the key to their own salvation and enlightenment.

God as Source Consciousness

At its highest level, God is not an external figure or entity, but the source consciousness of all energy—the unifying force that transcends dualities. When one stops giving their power to false gods and systems of control, they can reconnect with this divine source, living in alignment with higher vibrations of love, freedom, and creativity.

This journey is not about denial or rejection of faith, but about transformation. It is about evolving beyond fear and indoctrination, reclaiming the divinity that exists within, and recognizing the sacred truth: we are the Gods, creators of our reality, and stewards of our power.

Through awareness, intentionality, and connection to the source, we can liberate ourselves from lower vibrations and live as sovereign beings, embodying the divine essence that is our birthright.

