1. – First, improve your health.
For this you need to breathe as often as possible, deep and rhythmic, filling your lungs well, outdoors or peeking out a window.
2. – Absolutely ban from your spirit, for as many reasons as there are, any idea of pessimism, resentment, hatred, boredom, sadness, and revenge.
Run away like the plague on all occasions from people, murmurs, gossips or vanities.
Observance of this rule is of crucial importance: it is about changing the spiritual texture of your soul.
It’s the only way to change your destiny, for it depends on your actions and thoughts.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
3. – Do the good you can.
But you must take care of your own energy and flee from all toxic situations.
4. – You have to forget all offense, but even more so: strive to think well of your greatest enemy.
Your soul is a temple that must never be desecrated by hatred.
5. – You must catch yourself every day where no one can disturb you, not even for half an hour, sit as comfortable as possible with your eyes half rolled and think nothing.
This vigorously fortifies the soul and the Spirit and will put you in touch with good influences.
6. You shall keep absolute silence from all your personal affairs.
Refrain, as if you had sworn a solemn oath to make known to others your most intimate matters, everything you think, hear, know, learn, suspect or discover.
For a long time, at least you should be like a gated house or a sealed garden.
It’s a rule of utmost importance.
7. – Never fear humans.
Keep your soul strong and clean and everything will be fine.
Never think you are alone or weak, because there are powerful armies behind you, that you do not conceive even in your dreams.
If you lifts your spirit, no harm can touch you.
The only enemy you should fear is yourself.