Category: Uncategorized
Focus of Divine Consciousness
Do your best to not let the 99 percent population of NPCs distract you. Earth beings with souls are ascending, in this now space (now – 3 year stretch – unique for each). (The world as we knew has been ending in layers 1987 – 1999 – 2012 – 2017 – Split – gates… Read more
Parasites Controlling Human Behavior
January 11, 2024 Parasites have been controlling most of human behavior. Be of the knowledge and shift behavior to be in wisdom and shift from being harvested to be in control of one’s own life-force. Parasites are the physical and non-physical (invisible). The non-physical parasites are of a demonic entity presence serving to harvest life-force… Read more
Gossip – The Three Sieves
In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation of wisdom. One day, someone came to find the great philosopher and said to him: – Do you know what I just heard about your friend? – A moment, replied Socrates. Before you tell me, I would like to test you the three sieves. – The three… Read more
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
There are prisoners in a dark cave, they are chained and can only see shadows on a wall. To them, the shadows are the truth, because that is all they know, they don’t realize they are just a shadow of objects that people are holding up against the light of a fire. A prisoner escapes… Read more
Pineal Gland
What is Pineal Gland? In my knowing, the Pineal gland is the central station of the connection of our Earth Soul incarnation to our other Souls and to the Universe. It links us to Spirit, it allows us to see clearly and authentically, and it translates other density information between our multiple selfs in… Read more
Spirituality and Food – A Path From Omnivore to Breatharian
Spirituality and Food – A Path From Omnivore to Breatharian Originally written: February 11th, 2018 Updated July 28th, 2024 We may seek to understand who we are, why are we here and how to be happy. We each seek this in our own ways and eventually end up funneling into a wealth of knowledge and… Read more
Personal Energy and Collective Grid Energy
Originally Written: February 01st, 2018 What is Personal Energy? We all exude a personal energy from us. Our feelings determine our energy and then we share this energy around our space and into the collective energy grid. I believe a good example on the lower vibration spectrum of energy is when two people have just… Read more