Spirituality and Food – A Path From Omnivore to Breatharian
Originally written: February 11th, 2018
Updated July 28th, 2024

We may seek to understand who we are, why are we here and how to be happy. We each seek this in our own ways and eventually end up funneling into a wealth of knowledge and wisdom which changes us forever and propels us on a path of deep self discovery. While riding on this self discovery path we end up facing everything we’ve been led to believe is true and exploring the authenticity within that, so called truth and then determining if we are ready to take the next step in our personal evolution.
One of the steps in this evolution is food and the spirituality with food. When we start to understand that everything is energy and we are energy and that there is an exchange always occurring in the universe of energy and then we take that understanding into the vibration, free will and life of anything we consume. We then begin to question what we are consuming and how we are obtaining our energy or prana.
For those interested and feeling pulled to be more of their authentic selves, as it relates to our Soul, you may be questioning your food. Below is a picture of different groupings of food and what is in those groupings. Have a look at the image and understand it before reading further, this image will be referenced.

Along our spiritual path, as long as we continue to grow, food is going to become something to evaluate. Food does have an affect on our spiritual progression. The image at the top of this article depicts pranic energy, life force, Source energy and depicts the energy flowing into our body. The more towards the Breatharian side of the scale the more pranic energy one’s body is going to pull into them and the opposite is true too, the more towards the Omnivore side to the scale the less pranic energy one’s body is going to pull to them. And the pranic energy consumed from outside sources, food of any kind, is not high on the scale of energy to live fully to our potential. This is why we are easily susceptible to disease and die at such a young age.
This may seem opposite to everything you’ve learned before, as most all of us have been taught to believe that we need food and amongst the food we need meat to live. Food does contain prana and can be used to live in this time, space, and reality, but the game changer is the more dense the food (Omnivore side of the scale) and the higher the density of the sentient being the food is from, this is then more density, therefore we receive less prana energy from the food because of it’s density. Review the picture to the right to understand more about densities. Humans during this time, space, and reality are living in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th density for the most part. We are not meant, spiritually, to kill or take the life of another sentient being. We’ve been misled to believe that we can eat the meat of another sentient being and that it provides what we need to live. Taking the life of another sentient being lowers our vibration and a lower vibration is more susceptible to lower vibrational feelings, like fear, anger, anxiety, aggression, depression, unworthiness and those other similar lower vibrational feelings.
Food is something that was provided for us to enjoy, but was not provided for it to be a necessity to live. The food provided for us to enjoy was something like fruit, think of an apple. An apple falls from a tree and is given to us by the tree, we don’t need to “take” it from the tree. When we vibrate in a higher vibration we can communicate with trees, water, food (1st and 2nd density sentient beings). We can also communicate with high density beings as well, as we raise our personal vibration.
Personally, I was full Breatharian for 5 weeks and had more energy than I had ever experienced in my life. I felt free, I felt alive, I felt so much energy flowing through me, my mind was clear, I had no mucus in my body, I could feel my breath flow through my whole body. I don’t call myself a full breatharian now because I do eat occasionally. I eat sometimes once a day or sometimes I eat once a week. I don’t need food to live and I live this in my daily life. Learning to become Breatharian is a challenge as there is much programming around food and there are massive addictions. I attended a 10 day initiation process for Breatharianism and study the information while there and afterward. This is a process to go Breatharian and something that should be meditated on, studied, and done with careful attention. We do not just simply stop eating, it’s a process.
Consuming animals and their vibrations. When an animal is killed and then later the meat is consumed, the one consuming this meat is consuming more than just physical meat, one is consuming also the vibration that animal held. Most animals are treated horribly, abused, and have lower vibrational feelings instilled into them. I don’t want to go into more detail, you can look it up online if you desire, but it’s heart breaking to watch. This low vibration is then consumed into the person who is eating the meat. Vaccines are also put into the animals and meat, which is then consumed by the person eating it.
A question I have been asked is why do animals eat other animals if we are not spiritually meant to eat animals. This is a great question, so I wanted to include the answer in this article, Animals take their vibrational lead from humanity, they do what we do. When we rid ourselves of lower vibrational energies, then so will the animals of this planet.
While moving along our journey of self discovery, the less density we hold in our body (vessel) the more knowledge, wisdom, and authenticity we can obtain. Food is a density and the more to the left of the scale of food we consume, the more density we hold and thus the less access we have to knowledge, wisdom, and authenticity.
Moving towards becoming a breatharian or living a pranic life style, which I define as eating when you want to, rather than eating because you have to, is a process, and is a process that can take years to master for yourself.
While in deep meditation and exploration with my authentic self, I was being told that I don’t need food to live. This message was coming through for about a year. One afternoon I was listening to a Kryon channeling and then I went into channel myself, when I came out of channel I was online and a Ray Maor video was on YouTube in front of me. I watched many of the videos, learned what Breatharian and the next day found the Hawaii initiation, gathered the money, and booked it.
My journey consisted of eating raw vegan food for 30 days, a 7 day juice cleanse and then I was into my breatharian initiation. A 10 day process and 4 days of dry fasting. After the 10 day process I was full breatharian for approximately 5 weeks and didn’t consume food for 4 months and consumed water and juice only. After the 4 months, I consumed foods once or maybe twice a week for 6 months. I then moved into a process of consuming food only when I wanted to. 8 years since my 10 day process, and I at most consume 1 meal a day and can go 3-6 days with no food and water and weeks without food and just water and juice when I want to or need to.
It has been a liberation to know that I can survive without the need for three meals a day or consistent consuming of food.